Titicaca or Intikjarka


ake Titikaka takes its name from the island called Intikjarka, which now is known as Sun’s island.

The Intikjarka name comes from two aymara language words: “inti”, ‘sun’ and “kjarka”, ‘crag’. So “intikjarka” means ‘Sun’s crag’, and today is known as "Sun's Island".

It was a secred place for the Colla nation (lupacas + pacasas) who lived and live around the lake and far south.

The bigger lake was known for them with the name of “Chukuito” and the south smaller lake was known as “Wiñaymarka”, ‘Never ending city’ in reference to Taipykala or Tiwanaku city.


l lago Titicaca toma su nombre de la isla llamada Intikjarka, palabra que deriva de dos palabras aymaras: “inti”, ‘sol’ y “kjarka”, ‘peñasco’. Actualmente es conocida con el nombre “Isla del Sol”.

Esta isla fue un lugar sagrado para la nación colla quienes vivieron y aun viven alrededor del lago, cuya porción mayor se llamaba “Chukuito” y el lago del sur, el mas pequeño. “Wiñaymarka”, o ‘Ciudad eterna’ en honor a Taipykala o Tiwanaku.

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